An event to celebrate New Year in Sheepfarm:
Hello again to all of our supporters! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas time!
Our Meta-land Santa delivered some Christmas gift boxes a while ago. How many blessings did you receive?
We realize that there were only a few sheep available in the boxes, and we understand that many of you were disappointed with your results. Therefore, to get the new year off to an exciting start, we’ve decided to give each and every one of our follower decoration items that can be used in the game! There’s also the possibility of getting your rewards multiplied. Continue reading to learn how!
Our New Year’s Event will take place from 12 PM (UTC) on December 27th to 12 PM (UTC) on December 31st. (4 days)
How to participate:
- On our discord server, go to the ‘happy-new-year-2022’ channel.
- Follow the instructions from the ‘new-year-bot’ and connect your Kaikas wallet.
- If you enter a code from a friend, both you and your friend will receive +1 referral point. If you don’t have a code, click on ‘I have no friends’
- Once you have completed the previous steps, you will be able to retrieve your code.
- Share your referral code with as many friends as you’d like.
- You can always return to see how many times your code was used and what rewards you will receive from the ‘new-year-bot’.
- For Top 10 referrers, we will hand out additional rare sheep NFT!
- Rewards will be delivered to your wallet until 12 PM (UTC) on January 1st.
Bring your friends to Sheepfarm’s New Year Event to earn more goodies!
Reward Specifics:
- 0 Referral points: White Daisies
- 3 Referral points: Pink Flowers
- 5 Referral points: Chocolate Rock
- 7 Referral points: Slender Soft Serve Tree
- 10 Referral points: Trampoleaf
- Top 10 referrers: Ember Huricane
Did you catch a glimpse of Ember Hurricane? You saw correctly. A free rare sheep NFT is up for grabs! The top 10 referrers in this event will get the sheep listed above. Guaranteed! So, if you want to make this sheep a part of your flock, invite as many people as you can!
Now that this year is almost over, you can start looking forward to what the new year has in store. So keep an eye out for our upcoming article, where we’ll tell you everything you need to know regarding our rapidly approaching pre-sale event!
Happy New Year!